From August 28 to September 6, 2024, as part of the 81st Venice International Film Festival, the professional venue of the Italian Pavilion is back, organized by Cinecittà for the Directorate General for Cinema and Audiovisual of the Ministry of Culture.

Set up at the Hotel Excelsior on the Lido of Venice, the Italian Pavilion has doubled its space to host conferences, conventions, and business meetings, with the aim of exploring industry trends and efficiently supporting the national audiovisual system from a global perspective.

The program will feature key events hosted by the Ministry of Culture: on Thursday, August 29, with the presentation of the Cinema Revolution initiative and the Numbers of Italian Cinema 2023; on Friday, August 30, with a meeting on international tax credits; and on Saturday, August 31, with a session on production tax credits. On Sunday, September 1, there will be a debate on creativity and Artificial Intelligence.

Archivio Luce Cinecittà and MiC will unveil two new cultural projects: the exhibition “Dive e Madrine” (September 2), which is highly anticipated in its Hotel Excelsior setup, showcasing a fascinating blend of cinema history and contemporary relevance; and on September 3, the first edition of the Gina Lollobrigida Award, a tribute to a great all-around artist dedicated to emerging talents.

Cinecittà, on behalf of the Directorate General for Cinema and Audiovisual of MiC, will also present a packed schedule of special projects with key figures from the international audiovisual industry. The Italian Pavilion will host a series of conferences, business meetings, and events aimed at exploring industry trends and supporting the national audiovisual system in a global context.

This year also renews the well-established collaboration with the MPA – Motion Pictures Association, one of the leading entities in the global industry, for the session “Into the Future: Creativity and Innovation in the Audiovisual Industry” (August 31), which will explore, through the sharing of best practices, the challenges and opportunities that change, innovation, and new technologies present to the entire sector.

The second edition of the institutional anti-piracy campaign “We Are Stories” by FAPAV will be the focus of the panel “We Are Stories 2 Campaign: Women’s Vision and Skills In the Audiovisual Industries” (September 2).

Among the many in-depth discussions in this year’s program are the panel “Euro-Mediterranean Cinema Partnerships and their Dynamics” (August 30), organized in collaboration with  MedFilm Festival and MedMeetings, to explore and delve into the collaborations and initiatives underway among various European countries in the Mediterranean area; and the session “There’s More Than One Way to Finance an Independent Film” (September 1), dedicated to the methods, strategies, and challenges of financing independent films through case studies and the experiences of producers from different geographic areas.

Finally, special mention goes to the UK Focus (September 2), organized in collaboration with the BFI, the UK’s leading film institution, with the aim of expanding growth opportunities for Italian companies both domestically and internationally.

These and many other events will unfold in the two halls of the Pavilion, which, as always, also offers visitors a strong aesthetic and setup experience. This year, the special focus is on the extraordinary images of the Archivio Luce, blending the memory and dream of cinema, in celebration of the 100th anniversary of one of Europe’s most important audiovisual institutions.

The initiative’s partners include: Afic – Agiscuola – Anec – Anica – Apa – Ape – CSC Centro Sperimentale Di Cinematografia – Cinematografo – CNA -Doc/It – Fice – Europa Creativa Media – Rome Film Festival – Giornate degli Autori – Italian Film Commissions – Italian Short Film Center – Italy For Movies – Mia – Rai Cinema – SNGCI – SNCCI – Cinecittà News.