

Find out more 81. Venice
[Event in Italian]

03 Sep 2024 - 10:00 - 10:50

Italian Pavilion – Sala Tropicana 2 - Hotel Excelsior - View on map

Directed by Alessandro D’Ambrosi Santa de Santis, “Medley” is a short film created on the occasion of the 172nd anniversary celebration of the State Police.

The Institutional Communication Office of the Secretariat of the Department of Public Safety, oversaw the production of the short film, produced by Piuma Film and Vargo, with the support of NUOVO IMAIE and in collaboration with the State Police. Presented, as a preview, at the 19th edition of the “Cortinametraggio” Film Festival.

The brilliant cast contains important actors including, in the main roles, Mariano Rigillo, his son Ruben Rigillo, Valerio Morigi and the very young Pietro Morigi. In the secondary roles Anna Teresa Rossini, and Silvia Siravo.

Il cortometraggio, in ragione dell’alto valore artistico e di comunicazione sociale del progetto, sarà presentato dai registi, dai produttori, da alcuni membri del cast, e da una delegazione della Polizia di Stato.


  • Alessandro D’Ambrosi – Writer and Director
  • Santa de Santis – Writer and Director
  • Angela Caruana – Menager of the Cinema and Television section of the Institutional Communication Office IV of the Department of Public Security
  • Pietro Causati – Producer, Piuma Film
  • Alessandro Riccardi – Producer, Vargo
  • Silvia Siravo – Actress