26 January 2024


On 26 January, De Rome à Paris returns to the Ville Lumière with a partly renewed formula. This year the event includes a single day full of professional meetings and a homage to Italian cinema, on the Champs Élysées, with a preview screening of C’È ANCORA DOMANI by Paola Cortellesi. This will be followed, until the summer, by a review of unreleased Italian films in the theatres of the Paris Cinéma Club, with a special programme promoted by Italian Screens, an initiative supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, the Ministry of Culture and Cinecittà, in collaboration with the Italian Film Academy – David di Donatello Award.

The special screening of C’È ANCORA DOMANI, courtesy of Universal, at Publicis Cinémas will be partially open to the public (for tickets https://www.publiciscinemas.com/films/321520-il-reste-encore-demain/).

Delia (Paola Cortellesi) is Ivano’s wife, the mother of three children. Wife, mother. These are the roles that define her and that is enough for her. We are in the second half of the 1940s and this ordinary family lives in a Rome torn between the positive push of liberation and the miseries of the war just behind them. Ivano (Valerio Mastandrea) is the supreme boss and master of the family, he works hard to bring the little money home and does not miss an opportunity to underline it, sometimes with contemptuous tones, others, directly with the belt. He only has respect for that rogue of his father, Sor Ottorino (Giorgio Colangeli), a cantankerous and despotic old man of whom Delia is in all respects the caregiver. Delia’s only relief is her friend Marisa (Emanuela Fanelli), with whom she shares moments of levity and a few intimate confidences. It’s springtime and the whole family is in turmoil over the imminent engagement of the beloved eldest daughter Marcella (Romana Maggiora Vergano), who, for her part, only hopes to marry quickly to a nice middle-class boy, Giulio (Francesco Centorame), and finally get rid of that awkward family. Delia herself asks for nothing more, she accepts the life she has been given and a good marriage for her daughter is all she aspires to. The arrival of a mysterious letter, however, will ignite her courage to overturn her prearranged plans and imagine a better future, not only for her.Produced by Mario Gianani and Lorenzo Gangarossa for Wildside, a Fremantle Group company, and Vision Distribution. International sales: catia.rossi@visiondistribution.it

On the market front, it is also on 26 January that the professional meetings take place at the CNC (Centre national du cinéma et de l’image animée, 291 boulevard Raspail), reinforcing a partnership that reflects the excellent state of health of co-productions between France and Italy and a 2024 year that promises to be full of novelties. Seven Italian films currently in post-production in the WORKS IN PROGRESS session and ten projects for the COPRODUCTION MEETINGS are scheduled for the day, organised in collaboration with CNC and Unifrance, to support the vitality of cooperation between the French and Italian film industries. For info deromeaparisfestival@gmail.com

7 Italian films in post-production available for the French market.

Selected titles:

  • FACCIAMO TUTTI CENTRO by Paola Randi | Fandango
  • SEI FRATELLI by Simone Godano | Groenlandia
  • LA VITA ACCANTO by Marco Tullio Giordana | Intramovies
  • CESARE NEL TEMPO by Angelo Loy | La Sarraz Pictures
  • L’ORTO AMERICANO by Pupi Avati | Minerva Pictures
  • IL VANGELO SECONDO CIRETTA by Caroline von der Tann | Parallelo 41 Produzioni
  • IL VANGELO SECONDO MARIA by Paolo Zucca | True Colours Glorious Films

One-on-one meetings to present 10 projects looking for French partners (producers, sellers, distributors, etc.).

Selected projects:

  • IO SONO L’IMPOSTORE by Alessandro Aronadio | BiM Produzione
  • L’ANIMALE NOTTURNO by Stefano Mordini | Dinamo Film
  • SIGNORE DELLE CIME  by Luca Ferri | Effendemfilm
  • UNA FREDDA DISTANZA by Marco Amenta | Eurofilm
  • NIENTE DI VERO by Veronica Raimo | Fandango
  • DIVA FUTURA  by Giulia Louise Steigerwalt | Groenlandia
  • IL PICCOLO PRINCIPE DI SHANGRI-LA by Alessandro Rak | MAD Entertainment
  • SENZA FINE  by Mauro Mancini | Movimento Film
  • MUORI DI LEI  by Stefano Sardo | Nightswim
  • LA SCELTA DEL NOME  by Caterina Biasiucci | Parallelo 41 Produzioni