

Find out more 77. Cannes
[Evento in inglese]

17 May 2024 - 17:15 - 17:45

Italian Pavilion - Hôtel Barrière Le Majestic - View on map

L’Ambasciata di Francia in Italia, l’Institut Français Italia insieme a Cinecittàand with the support of the Directorate General for Cinema and Audiovisual of the Ministry of Culture (DGCA-MiC) and the Centre National du Cinéma et de l’Image Animée (CNC), and in collaboration with MIA-Mercato Internazionale Audiovisivo are launching the first edition of the SCENARI TRANSALPINIproject, an incubator workshop for film scripts involving France and Italy, and also other European countries, at the centre of their narrative.

The initiative is organised in collaboration with the MIA-Mercato Internazionale Audiovisivo. All details will be available in the CIRCULARS section of this site from Wednesday 29 May 2024. Ambasciata di Francia in Italia, l’ Institut Français Italia insieme a